This week I verified that the PCBs I designed last week were good. I didn’t find any issues, so they got ordered.

I’ve also been redesigning the Power Distribution Board… again. In order to accommodate an isolated voltage regulator and some optoisolators. I’ve needed to make a number of footprints by hand, so it’s been going slow.

On Wednesday, I helped Matty tune the PID systems of JONA. Now that they’re tuned, the ROV will maintain a set depth, roll, and pitch angle. This will significantly improve controllability.

Also on Wednesday, the ROV broke, I think it has to do with some water getting in, evaporating, and then condensing, but I really don’t know. I doubt I’ll ever know the source of the problem.

I did figure out what broke, though. One of the ESCs had a capacitor pop and it sprayed it’s capacitor gunk on the ESC. I will need to replace that unit.