The PCBs arrived this week so I’ve begun assembling them! I began with the Logic Board, which is the most important to get working. The capacitor control circuitry is very important to get running because bottom camera mysteriously won’t turn on when the capacitor is plugged in. This actually makes quite a bit of sense, but it’s mysterious because the rear camera (which has identical hardware) has no issues at all.
I tested the circuitry before putting it into JONA and it appeared to work, but it causes strange issues when the RPi5 tries to control it. I need to look into this more in the coming week.
I also began assembling the new Gigabit Ethernet Switch Board. This new board accommodates a Gigabit ethernet switch and an RPi Zero to act as a router. The RPi5 should be able to act as the router without issue, but it is causing issues with the front camera when it is.
Scott, Ben, William, Tanzy, and I all contributed to buying 108 cans from Wegmans for the NTHS Food Drive. Wegmans double-delivered so we got a total of 217 cans. If Robotics doesn’t win… I don’t know.