I honestly did do much this week. I spent two days helping to clean up the shop and sort miscellaneous items. However, Sunk Robotics has been doing a lot of testing in this final week before the international competition. Matty’s autonomous coral transplant program looks promising. It’s still very unclear whether it’ll be readt in time for our product demonstrations, but it can successfully navigate to the coral transplant site while carrying the coral head without any human input.

“Image of the AI’s output”

I switched around our bottom and back cameras, as the bottom camera is more important and the module that used to occupy that position was rather unreliable. We’ve been having issues with that camera module for a long time and I do not know what the problem is. I’ve tried so many different things to test and/or fix it, but none have succeeded. It doesn’t really matter now, though. The back camera is by far the least important, and we’ll be able to compete just fine without it.

Jonas had been saying that it was hard to attach the carabiner to the U-Bolt, so I reinforced that so now it doesn’t wobble.

I did honestly not that much packing… We never really unpacked most of the stuff we brought to the regional, so all I had to do was verify what we were bringing and add a few items. We’re ready to travel to Tennessee.