The main thing I got done this week was building my 12x12 half-scale maze. The original reason I chose to build a half-scale Micromouse instead of a normal-scale one, even though it’s much harder, was because I wanted to be able to build a reasonably sized maze that could still fit on a tabletop.

This maze is fully reconfigurable and I should be able to build any pattern I want. It’s smaller than a true to-spec half-scale Micromouse maze, which is 22x22 cells. I haven’t printed enough wall posts to fill out the entire maze, but I don’t need more than I have right now, I’ll eventually print the rest.

“The file that I needed to fix PlatformIO”

This was the file I needed to fix PlatformIO, not sure why I suddenly needed it.

The maze took two days to make, and I spent the other two researching and testing ways to make my Micromouse more precise. I also spent quite a while chasing Github issues and forum posts trying to fix PlatformIO, which decided to break for some reason. Despite the… challenges… I’ve faced with it, I still much prefer using VSCode over the Arduino IDE.